Tips to protect your pharmaceutical data


🛡️ The sensitive information you handle in the pharmaceutical industry is protected by cybersecurity. But...

According to industry reports, the average cost of a single data breach in the pharmaceutical industry cost over US$4 million in 2023. Criminals will do anything to obtain sensitive information about patients, clinical trials, and research and development activities.

🔒 So, what additional step can you take to safeguard the safety of your patients and their data, along with preserving the reputation of your business?

Ensure all your employees fully master the measures you implemented to protect personal data, such as access control, data minimization, and encryption.

Your employees are your first and most effective defense and they must be able to comply with strict data privacy and protection laws comfortably.

Given that these subjects can be challenging to comprehend and even more difficult to teach thoroughly (and it's even harder to keep up with who knows what!), it's best to entrust training experts who can utilize the latest advancements in educational science, such as gamification. 💼

Serapy's experienced team is ready to create tailored training for your team. Your employees will learn through gamified real-life cases, and you will be able to follow everyone's progress online. It's as easy as that! 💻

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